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Laser_Wiretrap_Grid - PRJCT CaSe
project the cases of the turrettes. 16 turrettes for 8 couples laser-photoresistor_ medium density wood_ some ideas to find the ideal...

Laser_Wiretrap_Grid - PRJCT TeST_CoMPoNeNT
soldering and testing all the parts_ - photoresistors and lasers; - servos; - Codes; assembling first components to give a try to the all...

Laser_Wiretrap_Grid - PRJCT PRoToTyPe
musical control interface based on laser switch for a floor placement_ New project, new work_ Working with arduino, shields, servos,...

Pies_a slices' environment_mapping
Some updates_ Working on the instrument and improving some function_ I_ A big user-driven knob. You can control it but you can't know...

Pies_a slices' environment_development
Randomic Multitrack System Glitch Operator || Why always have control? ||| Re_think_ |||| An instrument to re_process a music piece....

Constellation - Listen to the stars
Great pleasure to be part of the Reihe Laptop Ensemble_ Artist resident at AGON Centro Musica Contemporanea in Milan (Italy). Last Night...

#MTFSparks - Genova 2016
A few weeks ago was offered me the opportunity to participate as one of the team members (and sound designer?) to the first Music Tech...

Music Tech Fest - Berlin 2016
Back home from a great experience_ Left for Berlin to be part of the technical staff of one of the greatest examples of European music...
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