Great pleasure to be part of the Reihe Laptop Ensemble_ Artist resident at AGON Centro Musica Contemporanea in Milan (Italy).

Last Night (3rd of Dec 2016) at Teatro Arsenale, Milan_ Debut exhibition for Constellation_ The sound of the stars, nebulae, black holes, red giants, pulsars_
Based on Triple Axis Modal Synthesis (TAMS) by Giorgio Sancristoforo_ Stellar map as music score_
_10 computers_
_Sound objects from nowhere_ _Physical ModelinG_ _Resonant Frequencies_ _From low rumbling noises to high pitched hisses_ _Space immersion w/ quadriphonic PA_
Ensemble directed by GiorgioSancristoforo_
Luca Cozzi Nazareno De Luca
Eric Guizzo
Marco Miduri
Marco Neridetti
Lorenzo Rinaldi
Marcello Sodano
Giacomo Somaruga
Luca Pagan
and me_
Close your eyes, listen, imagine_