I don't usually write anything for the works in which I had played a role.
but This is an exception_
The story about how I met vonneumann would be too long also for this exception to be written, so I'll jump over it and I'll go straight to the point. You never know that I could be back in the future...
Some time ago I had the pleasure to participate to the realisation of a small part of two artistic works by vonneumann.
Not only two music albums, but 360 degrees projects by some of the finest and smartest people I’ve ever met.
I’m talking about music, photography, figurative art and so many musicians, thinkers and artists involved there.
Played some little parts on drums and percussions which were then crumbled, reworked, modified, processed by the band to be inserted in a couple of the tracks of the two works_
I don’t want to tell you much more about these two albums, beyond that the first one, |n|1, has been a "private" release for the "open" group of tl;dl. You would have to check it out.
The other one, NorN, it's big, unexpected and full.
It had some great reviews (not a few, indeed) on many important magazines and webzines_
I also have to say a couple of words to the author of the amazing album artwork, Valerio De Luca, a big visual artist and designer.
All the links in this page_
These guys are strong, from the ideas, to the facts_
An honour for me to work with vonneumann_
An open minded and inspiring reality here in the present_